Tha 3D (out now!)
You can now experience the icon pack that had RANDOM testers mind = Blown.
Enjoy the infinite possibility of interface with us:

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37 thoughts on “Tha 3D (out now!)”
Just bought it. Love what you did with this icon pack, only wish you picked something different for the icon masking. Thanks for your amazing work bro.
Wow that's awesome!
Really nice work!!
Already bought. I saw the random update and I wondered if you had any other goodies up your sleeve.
+Gaurav Seth Vion?
+Joshua Masih it's very similar looking, but less stylized and more stock.
+Joshua Masih and if you've followed him for a while, I'm sure you know that he has an extensive back catalogue of icons
+Nicoel Mitchell-Duff Yeah I know, I'm just pointing out the similarities. Nothing wrong with there being two similar packs out there in my opinion.
+Joshua Masih Fair enough. More choice is always a good thing.
+Joshua Masih I feel you & that was my initial thought but hey similarities aside both look great.
Great pack, keep up the great work. For those who are finding similarities with Vion this is quite different.
in my watchlist, Great icon pack and had a few of your pack already. Keep the good stuff coming and don't forgot to update the previous icons pack. I had quite a few not themed. Great stuff.
just purchased.
very nice.
the only thing i didn't like is the gmail icon – where's the red M? LoL
i switched to the e-mail icon under "misc" – very nice.
This is the first icon pack that I've been happy with since I purchased the1Lucent. – i.e., the first one that's been as visually pleasing to me as the1Lucent…
Sweet can't wait to get home and update random, and purchase this pack, thanks +Tha PHLASH
Purchased. Very lovely set.
+Tha PHLASH ever think about doing some CM themes? I'd love to see what you could come up with theming an entire phone
+Emanuel Carrasquillo chekea estos!
+Star Bridget here you go girl!
+Gaurav Seth dont worry about the noise, i been in the game long enough to brush it off…
I just now found the ingenious custom gmail icon, buried in the apps section.
that's just brilliant, the way the g is woven into the envelope.
+Ori huri what kind of masking would you proposed? Im listening 🙂
+Tha PHLASH something flat maybe, that will won't outstand the themed icons 🙂
Bought them
+Ori huri not sure about something flat in a 3D theme, the RANDOM community has been wondering as well.. but we couldn't reach a consensus.. so yeah.
+Tha PHLASH ill send you a screen shot of what i ment
Definetly getting these!!! Awesome clean work!
The custom icons are good, the mask for other icons, not so good.
+Floyd Drennon in a perfect world how would you make them look?
Love these icons – I'm a bit new to changing icons and since downloading Nova it's been a joy testing theses out. I noticed in app management that one of the icon packs I downloaded from different dev uses lots of memory but not sure why – like 120mb – that's more than google chrome and plus. Anyone know why? Thanks
+Simon Hibbert storage space to store the images.
Perfectly normal.
Cheers Eric – just seems a high amount of mb to store images – if the icons were moving about icons then I would think oh that's why – mind you I read hi definition used which I guess is higher mb use. I wonder if there will be icons that move about or is that too futuristic
+Simon Hibbert Its not too futuristic, and been tested 🙂
+Tha PHLASH are you saying that I'll be giving you more money soon?
+Tha PHLASH Either more like the theme, or transparent. A big white circle just doesn't cut it for me.
+Tha PHLASH cool – how did the test go – would it make battery life OK or drain a lot – that's gonna be a good money making one when that gets going ✌