A perfect update
For a perfect day… Ladies and gentleman new styles have been pushed to the app… go on an feast!
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10 thoughts on “A perfect update”
Was it just me, or does Tha Disco set not have a instagram
Ummm so I'm guessing we aren't going to see any Mitt Romney icons?
i don't think there is an instagram icon at all on any style!
yeah instagram is in the next update im preparing… i know it seems long… but were really talking about thousands and thousands of icons… r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s
White leather is super nice sir! Good job.
I suggested a few icons to be added as well. Since he has been making this set, a lot of new apps have come out that have become very popular. For now, I just use something similar for the icon. For example, I use the Quiznos icon for Quora since it's just a big letter Q. 😛
And it's always a happy day when icons get pushed to the app! I bought 4 more sets! Unfortunately the nav bar thing on my Nexus 7 JB3 of AOKP is crashing when I try to change the icons, so I can't put The Matted Blues in my nav bad yet, QQ!
Hey bro didn't know you were a guest speaker at the bbq. Awesome
I better see you all there +chris hale 🙂
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