Definite Batman icon collection!
Could be yours tonight… (about 10,000 icons)
just join our little party for a fun screenshot game.
just join our little party for a fun screenshot game.
Blink and you'll miss it…

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19 thoughts on “Definite Batman icon collection!”
Does the 'game' go down in g+ or in the mixify app? I've never used it before but I just downloaded and RSVP'd on it.
I need to put these on my baby's phone for him. <3 +Phil C. Bananez can I, huh huh, can I?
These are downright sick!
Kick ass
Want/Need these in my life
+Brandon Lake
+David Pena orgasam in 3… 2… 1….
+Phlash Tha are they in the play store and if so can you post the link please?
How do you get those?
+Kieran Attrill whatchyathink?
+Natassia Velez he may piss himself.
Eh? What did I miss?
You're oblivious. SCROLL UP, MAN. Helloooo… BATMAN.. Icons for your phone. My homie, +Phlash Tha designs every icon by hand. Do you know the patience he must have??? :p
Indeed. Very nice.
ill sober up a bit today… and make sure that those who need batman icons in their life… gets them!!
Woo hoo
I need them, +Phlash Tha so I can accost my boyfriend and take his phone and make it sexy.
+Obi Debo Cuz u like Batman
+Phlash Tha need batman icons must…. Can't sleep… Eat… Nightmares…. Need them aaaarrrrrrggggg! Please.
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