Remember when i told you getting accepted in Android Wear is like a shitty russian…
Well here we go again… This time they REFUSED my latest WONDER watch face for new reasons. You'll be the judge if its justified or horse-crap.
" quoted
App status: Your app has not been accepted into Android Wear.
Eligibility issues:
-Number two and ten are not formatted appropriately on round devices.
You guys understand this is intentional and simply how i felt like making my artwork? Do i have a art director now?
I can only imagine a dev trying to get his hard work out there, and having his release stopped depending if someone had his coffee or not in some shady office…
So basically Android Wear is getting more and more invasive and are now taking unprecedented liberty like i've never seen before… this is bad guys. Real bad.

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27 thoughts on “Remember when i told you getting accepted in Android Wear is like a shitty russian…”
have you tried submitting a fully original work, without use of comic book symbols? if so, how did it go in comparison?
+Jacek Malinowski Has nothing to do with the "W" They are talking about the surrounding numbers!!!!! That W is 100% original be me…
You're just lucky they didn't bring up how numbers 3 and 9 are completely missing on round devices!
I purposely wanted the symbol to overlap other elements cause i think it looks better… AND i have a digital clock in there for timekeeping…
Cut the W off where the yellow lines are on the sides. Then phlash your genitalia at them and tell em to suck it
+John Bowdre I know Right???? im like WTF? What are the criteria's here?
Because they are partially obscured? Smh..
+Tha PHLASH of course they say that, but it's google, and well… it might be issue with possible IP infringement, and since it's google, you should already know they never play open cards with that ish… even if you drew that from scratch it's still associated with dc comics
technically it shouldn't be a problem, because creative commons etc, but google is google…
+Adam C I have to redo the whole thing… And the worst part is that these numbers are optional! you can disable them in the settings… purely aesthetics… its the first time i see them making art judgment calls in such ways.. never seen them go that far before.
Maybe i should just stop making watch faces.. its almost like that's what they want… maybe someone over there is out to get me or something…
+Jacek Malinowski They state the reason for refusal. It's clear. The Number 2 and 10 is obstructed. That's what they say. I have the copyright thing a few weeks ago because you can't use the word DOCTOR & WHO in the same sentence.. and it was clear thats what needed to be fixed.. Hence why the pack is now called Tha WHO….
chill, just giving my 2 cents because I know how vague they are with reasons for kicking apps off the play store…
+Jacek Malinowski im chill… but i just dont wanna go the copyright route in this case… because.. well.. thats not it…
So could you just use 12 and 6 would thay be accepted then no other numbers
+Mark Askey Probably… i just can't make sense out of it… thats why im baffled… And lately i been wanting to show you guys the other side of the medal. What happens in the background. I know im ranting a lot lately but i been bottling all this up for so long im "that" close to a nervous breakdown! 😀 … hell even +Jacek Malinowski thinks im freaking out! hehe… stress level + 9000!!!
Well its stupid the numbers are not important to a analog watch the hands are what tell the time.if people cannot read an analog then to bad
+Mark Askey The digital clock is there too…
… well.. of course there is NO arguing with the big G … so im re-coding the whole thing.. and we'll see what tomorrow brings…
+Tha PHLASH tell them to take a good lick on your shit hole and make sure you've had some really hot hablano peppers!
+Martin Guay 😀 i totally love my new Rant section.. i needed this in my life… Let it ALL OUT! lolollol
Should have used Klingon numbers instead… That would have messed with them.
+Kent Seaton What if… 😀
Any they allowed Moto 360 with flat tire where you can't see 6 at all? Idiots
+Davor Bertovic Totally agree. I see crap watch faces all the time that are terrible!
Such petty shit. Design looks tight. Google is smoking the wrong shit nowadays, dafuq.
It looks much better the way you have it, with the overlap…than it will the other way… Google idiot fucktard c°¢ksmokers- yeah they are smoking tha wrong shit. ?
To include in your resubmission… Google can go eat a bag of di©ks.
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