Standalone pack released!
So at popular demand i've just released tha ENAMEL icon pack as a single pack for those who wanna keep it in their library…
Enjoy (should be live in a few hours)

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13 thoughts on “Standalone pack released!”
Definitely good while it lasted and great idea as standalone but I'll stick to pure randomness!
+Aaron Huffman once your RANDOM you can't go back… But some randomerz won't go forward if they dont save this one… so.. best of both worlds now 😀
These look awesome can't wait to get paid to buy soon.
Nice my friend !!
This is great!
Wow! While not my particular style, this is a phenomenal icon pack man! The realism is unmatched. You are a true artist +Tha PHLASH
+Tha PHLASH donated, now.. it's not too late for snowglobes 😉
That's SEXY
Patience pays, I was hoping you would release something soon. Thank you. ?
very nice! Need to grab them
Omg I love these! Purchased! Great job my friend!
+Marissa Alexander Glad you enjoy them!!!
I'm with +Marissa Alexander Bought it! Good job +Tha PHLASH
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