Step one, get these icons…
…and you've got a Glassik

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19 thoughts on “Step one, get these icons… ”
that's exactly how you get glassik, do you really want to get glassik? 😛
Keep them coming! !!
Man those are beautiful!!
I thought it was "cut a hole in the box?"
these are super dope. Waiting on the shattered glass ones you had shown on here a while back. Those are the best icons I have ever seen, and an instant buy.
+Tha PHLASH these look fantastic, I gotta ask though, will you be releasing Arcade as its own pack soon? Im missing those already, lol
+Derek Sharer Yes sir Tha Rcade are on the way as well!
+Tha PHLASH That's it, I knew it was catchier than just Arcade, I couldn't remember though. Anyways…..WOOHOO!!!
Jus purchase these totally awesome I must say
So sleek, so fine
Wundebar!! Im headed to purchase these right now
Those are one of my all time favourites!
+Tha PHLASH I bought these a few months ago. But it's asking for payment again?
Bought , Rated and left a review. I like these a lot. I'm more impressed on how you theme non theme icons. They always blend in well.
Pure style my friend
Mastin good
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