Tha Care Bears icons
This was requested, so i got it done… yup…
Inspired by Care bears characters created in 1981. Remember the Care Bears' ultimate weapon is the "Care Bear Stare", in which the collected Bears stand together and radiate light from their respective tummy symbols. These combine to form a ray of love and good cheer which could bring care and joy into the target's heart.
Inspired by Care bears characters created in 1981. Remember the Care Bears' ultimate weapon is the "Care Bear Stare", in which the collected Bears stand together and radiate light from their respective tummy symbols. These combine to form a ray of love and good cheer which could bring care and joy into the target's heart.
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16 thoughts on “Tha Care Bears icons”
darn it no money till friday but will be getting them. eeeek
lol So cute. Can you do unicorns?
unicorns for aokp would rock
Yup 😉
bunch of freaks!.. to tell you the truth, i have the unicorn made for a few months now.. but im not totally satisfied so i haven't release them… maybe i should just for fun?? lemme look at them one more time… il get back to ya..
Tha best!!
Actually I think it would be more freaky to have a girls cartoon from the 80's on my phone :p
girls always win 😛
maybe Tha Phlash should do an intensive care bars pack for us men.
That's nasty lol
I used to have a nsfw icon pack in the making… i worked it with a friend +Cassy Jolly but she unexpectedly passed away… and i have not found the courage to complete it yet… i probably will tho. Of course ill have to release this set in a more underground fashion.. i need my website to stay "General Public" 😛
Oh sounds interesting….
I like NSFW 😉
dont we all?? lol
yay nsfw stuff
Awesome. My wife is going to lose her mind. I bet My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, and He-Man icons would be pretty cool too.I'm also very curious about the "nsfw" icons. As classy as your work is they might be a little explicit but I don't doubt they'd fucking rock.
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