Tha Casino Chip icons
If you’re thinking of robbing a Las Vegas casino, and you’re not George Clooney, I have a word of advice: give up now. even if you leave the casino in one piece, the chips you stole are going to be worthless long before you make your get away. Thanks to RFID tags embedded inside them, the chips with denominations of $100 to $25,000 could be immediately deactivated rendering them unredeemable for cash value.
They also can log how much you spend, where you spend it, and use that information to keep you in the game longer with well timed drinks and services catered to your activity. If you’re using high-rolling chips you can almost guarantee that a casino knows what you’re up to. Turns out Big Brother is alive and well, playing craps in Las Vegas.
These icons comes in 2 styles:

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12 thoughts on “Tha Casino Chip icons”
AND.. seven days before ill be in Vegas… nice!
Crap… just used my last unlock. Oh well, time to buy 5 more lol
No bullshit these are my favorite yet!
+Phlash Tha You're going to CES, man?
wow epic work here :O hoping to get those soon on ur android app 😀
Should be today on the app right? End of every month?
Way to go Phlash! These were worth the wait!
Thx folks… yeah they should be in the app soon… i need to get this ready… how long does it take to sober up??? And +Jordan Keyes yep.. CES on the 8 january… we hook up for our usual party's ??
and yep.. tha Chip idea brought to you by +Dirk Webster ideas on Tha Mahjong Thread 🙂
+Phlash Tha I'll be there the 6th – 9th. We'll have to hook up at some point. 🙂
who else is coming +Jordan Keyes ?
+Phlash Tha just me and +Jimmy McGee, as far as I know.
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