Tha Eroded icons
When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Comes in two stylish colors:

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11 thoughts on “Tha Eroded icons”
Looks great as always bro!
This is great
Now these are cool.
Looks good +Phlash Tha . Was wondering when you would add Ingress and the new hangout. Are you adding these to everything? I know it's a lot of work with all that you have created. Just wondering.
Ohh…. these are niiiiiiice….. 😀
+Tim Wallace slowly yes, to put things in perspective, 1 new addition to the packs = 600 new drawings… 100 new icons = 60,000 new drawings … so on. Sometimes the enormity of this project is hard to fully grasp.
Excuse me, im going to drink till i reboot now…
_covers +Phlash Tha with a blankey and gives him a bottle of his favorite alcohol_
Another good work from you. I like them. So keep on rockin' 😉
+Phlash Tha I'm not sure what software you're using to create these, but some programs have the ability to create macros that will "remember" and apply the same process for you, rather than having to go through all the same steps manually for each icon.
+Brandon Petaccio my nickname is batch process…
haha, I figured you probably already knew how to do this…
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