Tha Pixel Art icon
Can you find the 28 icons hidden in this wallpaper by Nasc?
believe me this newest icons pack is so nice you'll have a hard time finding them! so freaking nice.
believe me this newest icons pack is so nice you'll have a hard time finding them! so freaking nice.
Coming December 1st, tons of new styles…

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24 thoughts on “Tha Pixel Art icon”
Now this would be a fun home screen setup
holy crap
Holy shit this is amazing. .. Would look good as a puzzle. Already found a bunch of icons
beyond words. . .
it would be cooler if it was animated.. like the cars moved and the helicopter flew around. putting that aside.. this is very awesome. Keep up the good work +Phlash Tha
I love this! 🙂
Is the play store icon a freaking dolphin?
+Mihnea Manduteanu I believe the play store icon is across the elevated road in the park near the walkers
Only saw 26 🙁
I need him to make my logo!
Is Waldo in there somewhere?
+Kaile J Johansen and doesn't it look like a dolphin?
Damn – 27 so far…
May have just spotted the 28th
there's 28 icons… from my packs… can you spot the ingress logo's ?
Top of CNN tower, behind google +, on top of gas station shop
+Bryan Dickson note them down… ill publish the solution later on 🙂
Oops, sorry
+Bryan Dickson no prob… good on the ingress icons.. i was talking about the full 28.. thats what ill publish later…
I found 'em all. I also got a little chuckle out of Marge & Homer walking into the McDonald's.
Love this old school 8-bit things. So I'm very curious about it.
Nice one!
You should be able to see the answers in my profile page ya'll… thx for playin'
I seen tank man?
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