Tha Square icon
Clean and inspired by the regular quadrilateral. Did you know in the Forties it began to apply to people (your squared) who were conservative or conventional. One theory is that it started as jazz slang and referred to the hand gestures a conductor’s hand made when directing music with a regular four beats to the bar (unlike the funky syncopated rhythms of jazz).
Get them here if you must:

20 thoughts on “Tha Square icon”
Classy. +1
+Phlash Tha how exactly do your icon packs work? Do they automatically replace the default images for app icons, or does a user have to manually replace each icon, one by one?
+Rodney Thomas you have to replace icon by icon.
I think it's 1-by-1 unless I a doing something terribly wrong…lol +Rodney Thomas
one by one for another few weeks… patience WILL be rewarded…
oooo have you worked out a way to change icons automatically? interesting.
So are you recommending I hold on purchasing for another few weeks?
nooo buy now +Phlash Tha is amazing for updates. if new icons or extras are added he gives it to all customers.
i already said too much… (my devs are watching O_O ) … go ahead +Rodney Thomas buy now or later is not affected by this situation.
Im gonna pick this pack up for sure!
Go ahead and buy now, you can link it to your account, and synch it up later when the new goodies roll out.
Cool. Me too +JR Jones
Hell yeah! Finally! +Phlash Tha 😀
ha! yeah +Konrad Krawczuk … i know it took a million years before i put the obvious square out (and special apps?)… but i get sidetracked easy 😀
Where might I get this pack from?
+Stacey C. Why, from his website, of course:
Alternatively, you could buy it through the "Tha Icon" app from the Play Market.
pack in app in a few days.. weeks? im workin on it… 🙂
I got some credits I wanna use up so I gotta wait = /
+Phlash Tha purchasing now buddy
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