Tha Star Trek Bundle
Ok .. i know… might of went a bit overkill on this one.
But, this is by far the most complete and extensive Star Trek icon pack ever made for a phone.
It includes a superb LCARS construction kit for hours of fun. With 33 different icon variations needless to say trekkie's will love it.
(Beware of a ridiculous 35,000 icons, yeah i get caught up easily.)
See them here!

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39 thoughts on “Tha Star Trek Bundle”
yea +Bryan Sinclair .. see what i did just there? 🙂
That's awesome.
Not so insane anymore? Lol
haha +Bryan Sinclair i might repost it later today… but got beamed up!
Nothing wrong with a bit of insanity lol
Set phasers to awesome. 🙂
You never cease to amaze me bro.
thx for tha luv… im thinking someone gats to win this… Who's the most hardcore Trek fan YOU know?
+Franke Hernandez hands down
I once watched all 10 original timeline movies (TOS and NG) Back-to-Back-to-Back over the course of one weekend.
I almost had my wife convinced to let me give my son (he's 2 now) the middle name Tiberius. She changed her mind at the last minute.
Of course, my friend +Christopher Allsop is also pretty hardcore. he's actually contributed to some technical manuals, and to Memory Alpha I believe.
My dad helped design some of the old Star Trek and Star Wars figures and toys from the 70's and 80's and still has the blueprints. Bet those are worth some dough.
+Nicolas Sincere That's pretty cool. Do you still have any of the actual action figures?
Yup a few
Oh My God.
You should make it 3 to 4 different packs make cost 1.99 or .99 I saw the 9.99 price tag and was like done.
I do want!
They will become individual packs starting the 18… someone in these comments will go home with it tonight 🙂
I hear that this +Jonathan Warden dude would be great candidate, 😛 +Phlash Tha
Chk my sis company +Tha Agency … to see my themers hate me.
We've got 5 of the styles from this bundle available on Google Play, check em out!
ill k!ll u +Tha Agency ب_ب
I'm contemplating taking those computer-style icons and themeing my phone up like a bridge computer.
Something you guys aren't seeing here, Google is a RedShirt Pin. Just saying.
+Phlash Tha I understand +Wil Wheaton is quite the Android fan, in fact just rooted his new HTC One. Maybe he should win, or at least get a complimentary pack. 😉
This is available till Monday? Hell yeah, buying it.
yup your good till the 18 🙂 …
Great job +Phlash Tha
Sorry couldn't respond earlier, under the weather but feeling better now. Keep it up and don't let up, the more the merrier. 😀
BTW have you seen the latest Star Trek Into Darkness, I have some spoilers to share if you're willing to listen, lol.
I haven't!!!!
+Phlash Tha
Would you like me to post some here. Most ppls guesses on what the film is about are pretty on the money.
No spoilers! ! ! ! !
Spoilers will be shot on sight 🙂
Cool but heads up it's gone viral so don't see any youtube vids from ign or movie goer's who already posted on it.
I live in a cave…
Caves are nice. Speshully ones with Internet access.
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