What Tha Puck !?
Just made those for fun, they are just 1800 icons but there's no apk…
Usually reserved for tha backstore but i made a little exception for today.

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31 thoughts on “What Tha Puck !?”
Share post if you want a .apk theme done of this…
re-shared! +Phlash Tha
Thanks man, shared
Did i just release this as a game started? … Well… how convenient!
J'adore excellent
+Phlash Tha good work. Shared too ;).
Very cool. Hopefully USA wins the gold this year!!!
That's how you do business +Phlash Tha
Ugh!… this game is going to give me a heart attack!
Always willing to share your amazing icons!
they look great,nice idea for icons.
They're pucking amazing!
Will the popularity of this icon pack be influenced by the outcome of THIS game? +Tha Agency is monitoring us!
+Phlash Tha very nice and thank you.
Quick is amazing…So, are we getting an apk or what?
Re-shared 🙂
How to find these on Google play went to u app but didn't see them
+Mihnea Manduteanu well… i dunno.. +Dave Kover do we get it?
Tha Puck, available on Windows Phone today!
+Dave Kover you so crazay
I love the Olympics!
+Phlash Tha can't find through the app, Is it there? Have 4 credits waiting to get this pack. Please do let me know
+Matthew Lutker The word is that it will be released tomorrow on the Google Play store…
Can I flash this zip in recovery?
+steven sullivan The Theme is now available on Google Play!!!!!
+Phlash Tha sweet thanks.
Enjoying What tha Puck icons but the link to update that came in the email says page not found.
+steven sullivan i just tried and it worked for me… so … can you email me the trouble? thaphlash at gmail com ?
Just tried on my laptop and the website recognized the purchase. When I hit the link on my phone it didn't recognize I had purchased it. Downloaded on laptop and moved to phone=all set. Thanks.
+steven sullivan Lovely!
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